You can make a difference

Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required, yet for love’s sake I prefer to appeal to you—I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus— I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I became in my...

Human & Divine Authors of the Bible

Every sound evangelical believes in the authority of God’s Word. The Bible claims to be God’s Word not human ingenuity. While God chose people to communicate His Word to other human beings, it is in fact God’s revelation to us. There are several texts we can draw on...

Relationally Committed

“For then I will give to the peoples purified lips, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord, to serve Him shoulder to shoulder. Zephaniah 3:9. Zephaniah speaks very much of the day of the Lord. Israel had a spiritual resurgence under Josiah but had drifted...

Discipleship of the Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same...

A Culture of Complainers

The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out. Proverbs 17:14 A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul. Proverbs 18:6-7 It is an honor...